The moon | Source: Shutterstock
The moon | Source: Shutterstock

10 Moon Riddles Perfect for the Kids

Milla Sigaba
Jan 05, 2024
05:30 A.M.
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As you and your loved ones gather for the festive season, there is no better way to keep the little ones entertained than with these ten moon-themed riddles as kids are curious about the night sky, often peering up with wide-eyed wonder.

If you have a kid on your hands who loves to gaze up at the moon and ponder its mystical existence, riddles are a fun way to teach your child more about the brightest object in our night sky. This way, you can fuel their fascination and turn a simple night into an extraordinary adventure.

Riddles are not only a fun way to tease our brains, trying to crack the amusing answer to a sometimes seemingly senseless puzzle, but they also come with multiple health benefits perfect for your child's development.

The moon. | Source: Getty Images

The moon. | Source: Getty Images

10 Moon Riddles

Riddles are a fun activity to get your child's brain muscles working and pose many mental and physical health benefits, such as enhancing creativity, improving cognitive function, increasing brain blood flow, and fine motor skills, among other benefits. Find ten fun moon riddles below:

1. Brown and old by day, white and young by night. My eyes are glass. I have nine faces but no head. I sing to the sky but have no voice. I'm nowhere and everywhere. What am I?

  • Answer: The moon

2. What is constantly moving, never tired, and dread not being admired?

  • Answer: The moon

3. When the wolves howl and owls awake, I am visible in the sky. What am I?

  • Answer: A full moon
The moon. | Source: Getty Images

The moon. | Source: Getty Images

4. Saying Buzz Aldrin was the first to step foot here would be wrong because one small step for man was taken by Neil Armstrong. What am I?

  • Answer: The moon

5. Born at the same time as the world, destined to live as long as the world, and yet never five weeks old. What is it?

  • Answer: The moon

6. I am something in the sky that seems to shine at night. However, I'm not a star; I am Earth's satellite. What am I?

  • Answer: The moon
The moon in the night sky. | Source: Getty Images

The moon in the night sky. | Source: Getty Images

7. This has hardly any atmosphere, meaning there is no rain. It's a place that orbits around the Earth, where we can see wax and wane.

  • Answer: The moon

8. What is it that can be full but will never overflow?

  • Answer: The moon
  • Answer: The moon

10. Some planets have many of these, but for our planet, there is only one. It causes a solar eclipse when it gets between the Earth and the sun.

  • Answer: The moon
The moon next to Earth. | Source: Getty Images

The moon next to Earth. | Source: Getty Images

As the festive season settles upon us, you now have a fun excuse for your child to put down any electronics and test their brain with these fun and health-beneficial riddles. For more puzzles, here are 16 Snowy Riddles to delight your winter.

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