A baker holding different types of bread | Source: Getty Images
A baker holding different types of bread | Source: Getty Images

Fun Facts about Bread — from Ancient Currency to Baker's Dozen

Milla Sigaba
Feb 16, 2024
09:02 A.M.
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Bread, with its humble beginnings, has evolved into a global dietary staple, weaving a rich historical tapestry. Discover 4 intriguing bread facts that highlight its fascinating journey.

Serving as fundamental nourishment for millennia, bread combines nutrients, antioxidants, and vitamins in a convenient, tasty package. Despite its ubiquity, many bread facts remain largely unknown.

Prepare to be amazed as we slice through history, revealing 4 fascinating facts about bread that highlight its remarkable journey through the ages.

A person carrying a tray of bread | Source: Getty Images

A person carrying a tray of bread | Source: Getty Images

Uncovering Bread Facts Through Time

1. Bread as Ancient Currency

In ancient Egypt, bread and beer were not just dietary staples but also currencies used to pay workers. This payment method ensured that all workers, from servants to skilled artisans, received fair compensation.

The Egyptian government introduced standardized loaf pans and beer jars to ensure uniformity in size, shape, and nutritional value, facilitating a fair payment system known as "pefes."

A young child looking at different types of bread | Source: Getty Images

A young child looking at different types of bread | Source: Getty Images

2. The Origin of the Baker's Dozen

During the 13th century in England, bakers were known for cheating on the size of their baked goods while customers paid full price. Once King Henry caught wind of the injustice, he passed a law that would see bakers facing harsh consequences if they sold baked goods below the standard weight and size and overcharged for them.

To avoid penalties for selling underweight loaves, bakers began adding an extra loaf to every dozen sold to avoid even the tiniest margin of error, birthing the term "baker's dozen."

A person holding a basket of freshly baked bread | Source: Getty Images

A person holding a basket of freshly baked bread | Source: Getty Images

3. The Invention of Sliced Bread

Sliced bread, as we know it, made its debut in 1928, thanks to Otto Rohwedder's invention.

The Missouri-based jeweler, after facing much criticism for his vision of a bread slicer and his prototype and blueprints were destroyed in a fire, put his invention to use at his friend Frank Bench’s Chillicothe Baking Company.

This innovation revolutionized bread consumption, making it more convenient and accessible.

Sliced bread | Source: Getty Images

Sliced bread | Source: Getty Images

4. Germany's Bread Diversity

Germany is renowned for its staggering variety of bread. With the use of The German Bread Register, the Central Association of the German Bakery Trade has been able to preserve the German bread landscape.

Artisan bakers, who are members of a guild, have been able to register their bread creations online, with over 3,200 types documented. This diversity, celebrated as part of Germany's intangible cultural heritage, underscores the country's rich baking tradition.

A person picking bread from a wide variety of different types of bread. | Source: Getty Images

A person picking bread from a wide variety of different types of bread. | Source: Getty Images

These bread facts reveal not just the food's pivotal role in human history but its ongoing evolution. From ancient currency to the convenience of sliced bread, its story is as rich and varied as the loaves in a German bakery.

Intrigued by the storied past of bread? Continue your exploration of staple foods with these 4 fun facts about rice, another cornerstone of global diet.

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